Friday, November 4, 2011

Student Affairs and Technology Series (4/4) - The Office of Academic Advising at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay


I understand that this is a SHORT series, but I wanted to make sure that I highlighted Eric Stoller's Blog, Student Affairs and Technology (hosted by Inside Higher Ed).

Recently, he wrote a post titled, "#AcAdv: Social Media Spookiness & Strategy from UWGB". 

In his blog post, Stoller wrote, "The Office of Academic Advising at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay" has, according to Sanders, "taken to the social web in a big way since July. They've ditched safe and cautious, for risky and fun. This isn't a social web success story, it's a story on the reevaluation of current communication practices... daring to stand out, putting in the extra effort, not fearing failure."

Here's their Facebook account:

Here's their Facebook account:

Here's one of their most recent Youtube videos:

Processing Question: Since this department is currently using Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, how could they use Foursquare or Blogger to reach students?

Here's shoutout to Eric for having such a terrific blog! - Follow Eric Stoller on Twitter @EricStoller


J. Edwards
Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Student Affairs and Technology Series (3/4) - Journal of Technology in Student Affairs


One of my first short articles was published in the Journal of Technology in Student Affairs (A Student Affairs E-Journal). I have always been a HUGE fan of this online publication, because it provided great (easy-to-understand) tips for student affairs professionals!

Their most recent issue was published in Summer 2011 and here are the articles:

Processing Question - Which article was your favorite?



J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Student Affairs and Technology Series (2/4) - Student Affairs and Youtube! (University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio)


This is an amazing Youtube channel from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. They are VERY creative and a few of them attended my conference session at TACUSPA!

Here are two of the most recent Youtube podcast episodes:

They had a GREAT Chili Cook Off Program!

Here are the results!

Processing Question - How does your student affairs or academic department use Youtube?


J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Student Affairs and Technology Series (1/4) - Social Media Technology in Student Affairs Departments in Texas (Presented at the TACUSPA Conference)


Last month, I was fortunate to attend the Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators in Austin, TX. I learned a WEALTH of new information about student affairs and higher education. I strive to stay abreast of new developments and research in the student affairs field.

This week, I will focus on STUDENT AFFAIRS and TECHNOLOGY (one of my favorite topics). I am thankful to have been selected to present a session on student affairs and technology at the conference! A week prior to the conference, I dispersed an informal survey on Facebook to the TACUSPA membership on Facebook to gather responses focused on HOW different higher education institutions integrate technology in their courses and WHICH technologies they integrate in their departments!

Here is the presentation:

Processing Question: What was the most interesting aspect of the presentation?


J. Edwards
Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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