Thursday, January 31, 2008

Academic Journal Submissions = The Job Search

I am slowly learning that submitting a scholarly papers to a journal is like the academic job search. A preponderance of jobs exist on the following websites (,, and, but many of these jobs are NOT for everyone. A strong and specific fit has to exist. The job/journal has to find the correct fit for them and the job/journal has to be the correct fit for you.

I have the correct job, but the academic journal fit is the current problem. Maybe one day, I will discover the correct fit for my scholarly paper submission. The first academic journal rejection letter/e-mail is a humbling experience, but I received some great comments and applied knowledge that I gained from my favorite book of the moment, "Write to the Top: How to Become a Prolific Academic".

"When the decision letter arrives and if the decision is negative, or should major revision be required, tuck the reviews in the file folder containing the manuscript and put the folder away for a few days...Frame these documents as free and valuable feedback (constructive response is truly a gift) designed to improve your work and enhance your chances of publication. Recognize that you are getting an opportunity to improve as a write while collecting crucial intelligence about the journal and the preferences or "personality" of the specific editor (Johnson & Mullen, 2007, p. 71).

Using the wealth of knowledge that I gained from "Write to the Top", I will definitely revise and resubmit the article. This book is absolutely amazing!


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