Texas is covered in a blanket of snow and my husband and I have been out of school for the past FOUR days! One of today's news stories focused on cabin fever. No, I will admit that we do not have cabin fever yet. Nor, do I think that I will ever get cabin fever on a snow day. :)
During our snow days, my daily schedule included:
- updating blackboard
- responding to e-mail
- updating my students' help documents for their research papers
- conducting office hours
- researching protection motivation theory
- cleaning the house
- conducting research and dating the library databases again... (it is a love-hate relationship, because I love logging on to the databases, but I hate them because I end up spending hours upon hours on the databases finding interesting articles).
- AND keeping a cheerful attitude while being a great wife and mommy to my dog.
Snow days are fun, but I am almost caught up with my grading and I cannot wait to finally finish grading papers tomorrow (so I can finish my non-fiction book this week... I am very behind in my book club). :)
Take care & stay warm!
Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
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