Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sometimes I Forget the Obvious - Online Teaching Tips (Embedding a Facebook or Twitter Widget on Blackboard)


Usually, my blog entries focus on teaching and research. I attempt to think of items that would be of interest to the blog readers, but sometimes I forget the obvious (i.e. - reminders to students, my virtual office hours and Twitter widgets on Blackboard, embedding Google Docs on Blackboard, posting tinyurls in the titles of external links, etc.). These are teaching strategies that I use on a daily basis without thinking about the fact that this simple strategy might be a great blog post! :)

One of my new "academic blogger" friends, Professor Josh also uses embedded widgets on his blackboard course homepage. In one of his recent blog post, he talks about "Adding a Facebook Widget to a Blackboard" course. Although I do not use Facebook with my students, I use Twitter and I embed a Twitter widget on my course home page. 

Here's an example of the interaction that I have with students through Twitter:

I love Twitter because it does not reveal as much personal information as Facebook (i.e. - students viewing a spam message from one of my friends on Facebook or students viewing my pictures from college, etc.). If you use Twitter and desire to embed a widget on your department webpage, personal webpage, or course site - CLICK HERE - http://twitter.com/about/resources/widgets.

Do you use Facebook to communicate with your students? WHY or WHY NOT?  Do you think interaction through this particular social networking website increases social presence in your professional relationship with students ?


Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

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