Monday, August 4, 2014

Goal Setting for the New Academic Year - From Balance to External Communication Strategies

Each year, I always set a new list of goals for the upcoming academic year. The first-year was focused on learning the new aspects of my job. Last year (the second year) was definitely focused on work-life balance and this year (the third year) will focus on continuing the message of the leadership and communication (the Texas Social Media Research Institute) aspects of my job both internally and externally. Here are my goals for the 2014-2015 academic year:

1 - Write at least three articles focused on student success, multicultural initiatives, and/or social media for the upcoming year.

2 - Create and sustain partnerships with others focused on my areas of interest (at other universities).
*I am a strong believer in the old saying, "If you continue to do the same old thing, you will get the same old result." Partnerships are definitely key!

3 - Continue to frequently post on social media outlets (including blogger, which is difficult to navigate sometimes).

4 - Provide innovative strategies for the leadership team in my area.

Here's a shameless plug - Follow me on Twitter - @drjtedwardsTSU

I know these are very ambitious goals, but I hope to achieve exceed each of the four goals listed above.

Please feel free to leave comments!

Sincerely - @drjtedwardsTSU

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Student Food Pantries on Colleges Campuses - A Potential Solution for Food Insecurity Among Our Students

Last year, I visited another university in Texas for one purpose, but I left with a completely different idea. When I visited, I was introduced to a student who wanted to start a food pantry on campus for students who experience food insecurity throughout the week.

Here are two approaches to "food pantries" on campus.

- Start a campus garden (maintained by student organizations/staff/faculty)

- Develop an in-house food pantry for students.

Montgomery Country Community College (MCCC) is developing such a program. Their Stock Up for Success Program is described here -

Sincerely - @drjtedwardsTSU

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

12th Annual Depression on College Campuses Conference - March 2014

I am always looking for great resources focused on college student wellness (including depression). Here's a great resource for higher education professions (faculty and staff) who would like to learn more about resources to help their students and research focused on college student depression.


J. Edwards - @drjtedwardsTSU