Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentine's Day is 10 DAYS AWAY!!!


I am VERY happy that Valentine's Day is coming up in 10 days! February, the second month of the year, is always a rough month filled with midterm planning, tax preparation, helping students with their undergraduate research papers, and spending time with family.

However, Valentine's Day occurs during this month and I always look forward to this day! Usually, I bring a big basket of candy to class for the students and I place Valentine's Day cards in the boxes of all of the family members in my department. Even though some people feel that Valentine's Day is a day for manufacturers, I think Valentine's Day is a great day for professors to let students know that we care about them!

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Four Days of Snow!!!


Texas is covered in a blanket of snow and my husband and I have been out of school for the past FOUR days! One of today's news stories focused on cabin fever. No, I will admit that we do not have cabin fever yet. Nor, do I think that I will ever get cabin fever on a snow day. :)

During our snow days, my daily schedule included: 

  1. updating blackboard
  2. responding to e-mail
  3. updating my students' help documents for their research papers
  4. conducting office hours
  5. researching protection motivation theory
  6. cleaning the house
  7. conducting research and dating the library databases again... (it is a love-hate relationship, because I love logging on to the databases, but I hate them because I end up spending hours upon hours on the databases finding interesting articles).
  8. AND keeping a cheerful attitude while being a great wife and mommy to my dog.

Snow days are fun, but I am almost caught up with my grading and I cannot wait to finally finish grading papers tomorrow (so I can finish my non-fiction book this week... I am very behind in my book club). :)

Take care & stay warm!


Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Freebie Wednesday! - Chili's: Free Brownie Sundae with Entree Purchase


If you have a week filled with meetings next week, try moving one of your meetings to Chili's Restaurant. It is a fun and welcoming atmosphere for meeting with groups of students or faculty. Plus, there is at least one Chili's restaurant in almost every college town.

Here is a coupon for ONE FREE BROWNIE SUNDAE with entree purchase - LINK. This coupon expires on February 10, 2011.

Plus, I tell my students about any simple discounts for their Valentine's dates. They really appreciate the tip and it is interesting that they view you as an actual human if you are striving the save money - because they are on a limited budget as well. :)


Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Study: University Students Pick iPads Over Textbooks | News & Opinion |


A recent study conducted at the University of Notre Dame concluded that university undergraduate students pick iPads over textbooks. This study, titled the eReader project, took place in a project management class consisted of 40 students.

According to Jill Duffy a writer for PC Magazine, the students stated that "they learned more and enjoyed the class more". Here's the link to her article -,2817,2376165,00.asp

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.