I am pleased that this publication has been available for almost all of the years I have served in higher education. Each time it is published, I enjoy reading the E-Source for College Transitions to gain new ideas and insight for our changing student populations. Here's the link to the publication - http://tech.sa.sc.edu/fye/esource/files/ES_11-1_Oct13 .pdf
This issue's articles focus on the following...
• using the Student Strengths Inventory to predict academic success and retention from Concordia University-Wisconsin,
• combining tradition with skills for the 21st century in a two-semester program that teaches public speaking and information technology at the University of Vermont,
• creating learning communities for undeclared majors at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and high-achieving scholars at the University of South Carolina,
• expanding a peer-facilitation program beyond the fall term at Queens University of Charlotte, and
• examining “how and how much” schools across the country assess first-year seminars.
**According to Larry Wood - Editor of the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
Enjoy! Which article was helpful for you?
Sincerely - @drjtedwardsTSU