Monday, February 4, 2019

Teaching Organizational Communication Online - Course Navigation Video

This semester, I am teaching Organizational Communication (COMM 4304) for the Communication Studies department! I am VERY excited about teaching this course! 

Here's the course description and learning outcomes:

Course Description: (3 Credits) - Course Description: (3 Credits) - An advanced study of communication as it takes place in business and industrial settings. Special attention will be given to managerial communication, communicator style, channels and networks, and organizational communication consulting.

At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to...

A. Knowledge Outcomes
- understand the importance of networks with organizations. (Wk 11)
- understand how organizational culture is developed. (Wk 4)
- how small groups work within an organization. (Wk 12)
- understand how communication problems are diagnosed and solved within organizations. (Wk 10)
- know how communication styles impact organizational communication. (Wk 8)

B. Skill Outcomes
- a communication audit of an organization. (Wk 10)
- trace communication through a network. (Wk 8)
- construct work teams within an organization. (Wk 12)

Each week has a different learning outcome and a different reading for the week (Open Education Resources and Library Article links of course!

Each semester, I also make a course navigation video. here it is!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success Communication and Technology Institute on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work

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