Friday, September 8, 2023

Traveling to Europe with Rural Communication Students

Hi everyone! It's September and summer and officially over! :(

Summer is one of those sacred times of year for faculty to determine the next steps of their faculty career. From my dear colleague who is focused on his retirement to new faculty members who are focused on their new research agenda, everyone is focused on renewal. Our department faculty members usually travel to work at state parks, volunteer in the community, and participate in professional development activities.

This summer, we traveled on a study abroad experience to Scotland, Ireland, and England. This was an incredible journey with 17 students from our university. I have not traveled outside of the country for a year and the students were filled with excitement from the end of the spring semester. 

The trip to Europe was long and uneventful. We traveled with EF Tours and it was definitely an adventure. Many of our rural students have never traveled outside of the country before this adventure and they learned many new skills along their journey. I was proud of their progress.

During the study abroad experience, I also had an opportunity walk a mile by myself in Ireland. Previously, I have ALWAYS traveled in groups - large groups and small groups. However, when most of the attendees wanted to participate in an activity together and I had to travel back to the hotel to pick up an item - I had the opportunity be independent. I walked by myself across the city to the hotel. This prepared me for another big adventure that I had this summer. Summer 2023 was filled with solo adventure travel for this female faculty member.

We also had an opportunity to view the Book of Kells in Ireland. It was a great experience and the library that housed the book of Kells (the Bible) was one of the most beautiful libraries I've ever visited.

This was my second time to visit the palace in England. There is always a crowd at Buckingham palace and the students enjoyed snapping pictures with the statues.

Who am I kidding? I enjoyed snapping pictures as well! It was crowded and it was definitely an adventure.

I've only heard about it on YouTube from flight attendants, but Primark lived up to its reputation. The clothes were inexpensive, high quality, and were gorgeous! I was very excited to buy professor clothes at Primark!

Overall, we had a great time. The students enjoyed themselves and I did as well. I learned a lot about European culture and I added two additional countries to my list. In fact, I added THREE new countries to my list (more about that later). Another day, another post. ;)

Let me know if you have any questions about traveling with students. They are a trip - literally! I cannot remember the last time that I laughed so hard. Traveling with rural students enables them to be themselves while experience a whole new world.

Until next time!

J. Edwards


Check out my book - Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

Remember to order copies for your team as well!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success and Retention Institute - Learning Community on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Professor of Communication
Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Preparing for Research Presentations - Poster Presentation Survival Kit

Hi Y'all!

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of presenting for an Undergraduate Research Group at my university. When they initially asked me about presenting about visual presentations, I had to think back to the numerous presentations that I have been fortunate to facilitate all over America. 

Then, I thought about the items that I wish I would have had on site when I saw the place where I needed to place my poster. So, I decided to make a "Poster Presentation Survival Kit". This kit contains: masking tape, t-pins, white out, sharpie markers, and cuticle clippers (to serve as scissors for your poster (just in case)). 

The presentation was well received and they asked for a copy. I was very impressed with this group and their questions focused on research and the presentation process. We also had a great conversation about presenting information that has not yet been published. 

Here's the presentation:

Here are some additional resources. Thanks UNC, UC Davis, and Bucknell!

How To Make An Effective Poster- UC Davis - Undergraduate Research Center

Designing Effective Posters - Bucknell University

Enjoy! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Dr. Jennifer Edwards


Check out my book - Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

Remember to order copies for your team as well!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success and Retention Institute - Learning Community on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Professor of Communication
Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

My Social Media Channels!
Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
I Always Post Higher Education Videos on YouTube
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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Stay Interviews: Do They Work? How Can You Use These Questions For Your Organization?

One thing that I have recently become very interested in is - "stay interviews".

These types of interviews are very beneficial because they determine which factors keep a current employee engaged and which ones do not.

Think about it. Why do you decide to remain at your current job? What would entice you to leave? Perhaps a better offer?

This information is perfect for employers and who wish to attract millennials to their workplace.

Jennifer Lui, a CNBC writer, highlighted the importance of stay interviews in her article, "Why the ‘stay interview’ is the next big trend of the Great Resignation". She stated:

  • Stay interviews are informal conversations
  • What to ask in a stay interview
  • Ask what would make your employee leave
  • How managers can stay accountable

The Society for Human Resource Management gives suggestions for questions that human resources departments in their How to Conduct Stay Interviews: 5 Key Questions article.

Question 1 - What do you look forward to each day when you commute to work?

Question 2 -What are you learning here, and what do you want to learn?

Question 3 - Why do you stay here?

Question 4 - When is the last time you thought about leaving us, and what prompted it?

Question 5 - What can I do to make your job better for you?

This is especially important for rural workplaces where they struggle to attract and retain employees. It is especially difficult for rural employers. Let's support them in any possible way we can.

Now, I do not have any direct reports at this time, but I have had a wealth of organizational leadership experiences throughout my 20 years in higher education. As a employee, i would not like to answer these questions. I would suggest that leaders determine which questions are most appropriate for their teams. 

We do not want these "stay interviews" to be the first interview on a short journey to an "exit interview". 

In the comment box, let us know which questions you would add and which questions you would delete.



Check out my book - Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

Remember to order copies for your team as well!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success and Retention Institute - Learning Community on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Professor of Communication
Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

My Social Media Channels!
Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
I Always Post Higher Education Videos on YouTube
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Monday, August 1, 2022

Let's Learn About Telehealth (Sessions from the National Telehealth Conference)

In May, I was pleased to see the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) offer a virtual Telehealth Conference. I am always on the lookout for good professional development opportunities, so I signed up. 

My schedule had a conflict on that day and I was unable to attend, BUT they posted videos of the sessions online. I was so excited and I could not wait to block time on my schedule, grab some lunch, and listen to the sessions.

You can listen to the sessions as well!

Here is a list of the sessions and the video links:

Leaders from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will discuss priorities and highlight key efforts across the Department to expand access to telehealth services.

Providers and experts will discuss telehealth’s key role in access to behavioral health services as well as the integration of behavioral and physical health services, especially for those in underserved communities.

This session will discuss ongoing efforts to facilitate access to inter-state telehealth services through HRSA’s Licensure Portability Grant Program.  Through this program, HRSA provides support to the Federation of State Medical Boards and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards.  Participants will learn about current options to address licensure portability reform and have an opportunity to provide feedback.

This session will discuss key policy and infrastructure issues at the state and federal level needed to ensure continued access to telehealth beyond the COVID-19 public health emergency.

This session will discuss key considerations for integrating telehealth in various medical settings.  Participants will learn of current models and provide input on ways to address challenges and barriers.

This session will provide an overview of Federal efforts and resources to improve access to broadband, which is a key component to the delivery of telehealth services as well as other social determinants of health.

This session will discuss current efforts to assist providers in using telehealth and considerations for training the workforce for tomorrow. Issues to be discussed will include provider-to-provider mentoring, developing telehealth curriculum for providers and addressing burnout.

This session will provide participants with an opportunity to learn more about the HRSA supported Telehealth Resource Centers including their work and expertise in assisting providers with implementing telehealth services.

This session will discuss leveraging telehealth technology in addressing and treating COVID-19.

Experts will discuss the key telehealth issues and priorities identified by their stakeholders and how those telehealth issues may evolve beyond the pandemic.

Check out the sessions. Which session was your favorite?


Check out my book - Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

Remember to order copies for your team as well!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success and Retention Institute - Learning Community on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Professor of Communication
Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

My Social Media Channels!
Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
I Always Post Higher Education Videos on YouTube
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