Showing posts with label Institutional Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Institutional Research. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Congratulations to the The Paul P. Fidler Research Grant Winner - National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

This year, I worked with a team of individuals from my university to write a grant focused on the experiences of senior-year college students who are seeking post-graduation employment. Unfortunately, the proposal was not funded, but I am excited to see the results from the other researchers who submitted proposals!

The winner of the Paul P. Fidler grant from the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition was Mauriell Amechi of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His study titled “Our Stories (Un)Told: Community Cultural Wealth and the College-Going Experiences of Transitioning Youth in Foster Care". His study will “address barriers associated with college choice and enrollment for populations in foster care.” We look forward to his exemplary research and the contributions he will make to the knowledge base on students in transition. Congratulations! I cannot wait to hear more about your research!

The other finalists for the 2017-2018 Fidler Grant were:
Linda DeAngelo of the University of Pittsburgh: “Self-efficacy in the transition into and through the first college year for women engineering students”

Ryan Hudes of Seton Hall University and Katherine Aquino of Manhattan College: “Student-College Matching Tendencies and Mobility for Students Transferring Within Four-year Institutions”

Cindy Ann Kilgo and Lauren Bennett of the University of Alabama: “Examining TRANSition: An Overview of Inclusive Practices to Support Transgender Students’ Success in College”

Kim McAloney of Oregon State University: “What am I Doing Here?!: An FYE Course in which first generation college students study first generation college students”

We received some great feedback about the grant and we cannot wait to revise!


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards

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Congratulations to the The Paul P. Fidler Research Grant Winner - National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

This year, I worked with a team of individuals from my university to write a grant focused on the experiences of senior-year college students who are seeking post-graduation employment. Unfortunately, the proposal was not funded, but I am excited to see the results from the other researchers who submitted proposals!

The winner of the Paul P. Fidler grant from the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition was Mauriell Amechi of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His study titled “Our Stories (Un)Told: Community Cultural Wealth and the College-Going Experiences of Transitioning Youth in Foster Care". His study will “address barriers associated with college choice and enrollment for populations in foster care.” We look forward to his exemplary research and the contributions he will make to the knowledge base on students in transition. Congratulations! I cannot wait to hear more about your research!

The other finalists for the 2017-2018 Fidler Grant were:
Linda DeAngelo of the University of Pittsburgh: “Self-efficacy in the transition into and through the first college year for women engineering students”

Ryan Hudes of Seton Hall University and Katherine Aquino of Manhattan College: “Student-College Matching Tendencies and Mobility for Students Transferring Within Four-year Institutions”

Cindy Ann Kilgo and Lauren Bennett of the University of Alabama: “Examining TRANSition: An Overview of Inclusive Practices to Support Transgender Students’ Success in College”

Kim McAloney of Oregon State University: “What am I Doing Here?!: An FYE Course in which first generation college students study first generation college students”

We received some great feedback about the grant and we cannot wait to revise!


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Finding a Budget-Friendly College or University By Using the New College Scorecard by the U.S. Department of Education

Today, the new college scorecard from the U.S. Department of Education made it's debut on a new website - This scorecard is meant to help parents and students discover the best and more affordable higher education opportunities for their families.

Also, the new College Scorecard tool was featured on the White House Blog and the Department of Education blog today - Under the Hood: Building a New College Scorecard with Students.

In addition to the New College Scorecard (Comprehensive and Updated Data on Higher Education Institutions), there are several additional resources for families to find the more affordable college with the best features (majors, minors, etc.) for their students. These resources (as featured on the Department of Education Blog) include the following:

Additional Customized Tools for Students

- Scholarmatch

- StartClass

- College Abacus

- Payscale

- InsideTrack

As higher education administrators, faculty, and staff, it is important to know the information that exists about our institutions that is available on the internet. Did you find anything interesting about your institution (or aspirant institutions in the data available via any of the websites listed above)?

Let us know!


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Data Display 101: Using Excel and Slicer Tool to Create Fabulous Dashboards" on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 2pm

If you are interested in higher education institutional research, make plans to attend this free Excel Webinar titled, "Data Display 101: Using Excel and Slicer Tool to Create Fabulous Dashboards" on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 2pm. This event is hosted by the South Carolina Association for Institutional Research. Register here to see the time zone -

This looks like a great, FREE opportunity for anyone interested in making their data more "digestable" for the average person. Anyone should be able to understand the data that your office/center provides and dashboards/infographics enable YOU/YOUR OFFICE to provide this data for the general population (internal and external to the university/college).

Here's the description of the webinar from Ryan S. Otto, Ph.D. Board Member, South Carolina Association for Institutional Research:

This webinar will use Microsoft Excel 2010 (or newer) to easily produce an updatable, user friendly grade distribution dashboard. We will design a couple of different views (i.e., by course, by instructor) and create one or two calculated fields (i.e., overall success rate, overall success rate without W’s). We also will discuss the ease of the updating process. Example data will be available for any participants wishing to actively participate and build a dashboard.

Dub Green,
Director of Institutional Research, Office of Institutional Research
Trident Technical College

Donna McHugh,
Research Analyst, Office of Institutional Research

Trident Technical College

I will see you there! :)


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram/Periscope - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at