Showing posts with label Professional Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Professional Development. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2019

Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Professionals: Assembling Your Personal Team of Advisors

Hi everyone! Throughout my years in academic affairs and student affairs, I've discovered that you  have to have your own team. For example, our students have athletic advisors, student financial aid advisors, and academic advisors. All of these team players can help a student make progress towards success. 

Just like our students, we need to have our own tenure and student affairs teams to prepare us for success. For example, my team consists of the following: 

1 - One or Two Faculty Team Advisors (You never know when you will need research to help you answer questions.)

2 - One or Two Staff Team Advisors (You never know when you will need help with processes at your institution or to help locate resources.

3 - One or Two Student Team Advisors (You never know when you will need the pulse of campus or to have a student's perspective of a workshop or administrative decision.

4 - One or Two Community Team Advisors (You never know when you will have a need to complete service). Which should be often. ;)

5 - One or Two Family Team Advisors (These are for your moral support. These should be family members who have NO IDEA what you do on a daily basis.)

6 - One or Two Health Team Advisors (These are for your health support. These individuals can include your doctor, your wellness coach, and your workout partners.)

7 - One or Two Financial Mentor Advisors (These are for your financial stability for the current time and also for the future. These individuals can include your friends, your family members or formal advisors.)

Your team will be dynamic and it will change over time, but I strongly success reassessing your team every six months. See if your interests align with their interests. If they do not, make a professional exit strategy and write a thank you note.

So, assemble your team. Get started - now!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success Communication and Technology Institute on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

My Social Media Channels!
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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work

Monday, October 12, 2015

FREE Training for Higher Education Faculty - Pearson's Speaking About...Webinar Week

Are your travel funds small this semester? Are you short on time, but eager to learn about new aspects and concepts focused on your academic discipline?

I am FAN of FREE online webinars and online conferences focused on teaching, learning, and research. Here's a neat opportunity from Pearson's Professional Development Online "Speaking About..." series focused on: Art, English, History, Music and Humanities, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and World Languages. This event takes place between October 12-16, 2015.

These sessions look spectacular - here's a sample:

How to Think About Masculinities
Professor Michael Kimmel - Stony Brook University

Increasing Economic Inequality: A Closer Look 
Dr. John Macionis - Kenyon College

Using Social Media to Teach Sociology
Nathan Palmer - Georgia Southern University

Make-Believe Play and Children's Self-Regulation
Dr. Laura Berk - Illinois State University

Generation Me: Teaching and Working with Today's Students
Dr. Jean Twenge - San Diego State University

Gamification Techniques ANY Instructor Can Use to Engage, Assess, and Energize Students
Dr. Amy Marin - Phoenix College

Open Science, Replication, and Teaching Psychology
Dr. Mark Krause - Southern Oregon University
Dr. Daniel Corts - Augustana College

Using Blogging in the Teaching of Psychology
Dr. Sam Sommers - Tufts University

Here's more information about the "Speaking About..." Series -

I am not sure if a hashtag will be utilized for the event, but utilize the #55HigherEd hashtag to share ideas! :)


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Data Display 101: Using Excel and Slicer Tool to Create Fabulous Dashboards" on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 2pm

If you are interested in higher education institutional research, make plans to attend this free Excel Webinar titled, "Data Display 101: Using Excel and Slicer Tool to Create Fabulous Dashboards" on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 2pm. This event is hosted by the South Carolina Association for Institutional Research. Register here to see the time zone -

This looks like a great, FREE opportunity for anyone interested in making their data more "digestable" for the average person. Anyone should be able to understand the data that your office/center provides and dashboards/infographics enable YOU/YOUR OFFICE to provide this data for the general population (internal and external to the university/college).

Here's the description of the webinar from Ryan S. Otto, Ph.D. Board Member, South Carolina Association for Institutional Research:

This webinar will use Microsoft Excel 2010 (or newer) to easily produce an updatable, user friendly grade distribution dashboard. We will design a couple of different views (i.e., by course, by instructor) and create one or two calculated fields (i.e., overall success rate, overall success rate without W’s). We also will discuss the ease of the updating process. Example data will be available for any participants wishing to actively participate and build a dashboard.

Dub Green,
Director of Institutional Research, Office of Institutional Research
Trident Technical College

Donna McHugh,
Research Analyst, Office of Institutional Research

Trident Technical College

I will see you there! :)


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram/Periscope - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What Does Your #HigherEd Handwriting Say About You?

I am a HEAVY writer and my print is bold and wide. Look at the infographic listed below. How do you think the faculty, staff, students, administrators, and staff perceive your writing? Perceptions exist, but it is always great to know about potential perceptions ahead of time.

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You Infographic

Sincerely - @drjtedwardsTSU