Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Blog's Readibility Level?

This is an interesting website that enables blog owners to discover out the readability level of their blog. Our blog is rated...

blog readability test

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Academic Journal Submissions = The Job Search

I am slowly learning that submitting a scholarly papers to a journal is like the academic job search. A preponderance of jobs exist on the following websites (,, and, but many of these jobs are NOT for everyone. A strong and specific fit has to exist. The job/journal has to find the correct fit for them and the job/journal has to be the correct fit for you.

I have the correct job, but the academic journal fit is the current problem. Maybe one day, I will discover the correct fit for my scholarly paper submission. The first academic journal rejection letter/e-mail is a humbling experience, but I received some great comments and applied knowledge that I gained from my favorite book of the moment, "Write to the Top: How to Become a Prolific Academic".

"When the decision letter arrives and if the decision is negative, or should major revision be required, tuck the reviews in the file folder containing the manuscript and put the folder away for a few days...Frame these documents as free and valuable feedback (constructive response is truly a gift) designed to improve your work and enhance your chances of publication. Recognize that you are getting an opportunity to improve as a write while collecting crucial intelligence about the journal and the preferences or "personality" of the specific editor (Johnson & Mullen, 2007, p. 71).

Using the wealth of knowledge that I gained from "Write to the Top", I will definitely revise and resubmit the article. This book is absolutely amazing!


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Faculty on Facebook?

My goals for today are to: a) clean my desk (at home), b) pay bills, and c) think of an additional research idea. For some reason, the "faculty on facebook" focus just caught my attention as I sifted through the research material in my home office.

I often cut special articles from my weekly subscription to the Chronicle of Higher Education and organize them in a folder. I found an advertisement for lap desks from the Library of Congress and an article.

This article, "
For Professors, 'Friending' Can Be Fraught'" by Sara Lipka, really caught my eye. My professors are joining facebook and are befriending their students. Being the millennial that I am, I have chosen not to venture in that direction. Since I actually look like an undergraduate student, I do not want to be perceived by the students and the faculty of my institution as a "young" professor. By the using the term "young", I mean to allude to the fact that many young professors do "hang out" with their students and consequently have problems controlling their classroom. As a result, I am just friends with the people from my former institutions.

Facebook can be beneficial for team building outside of the classroom environment, but I do not want to become "too friendly" with my students. In addition, I promised all of my students that I will not look at their facebook profiles, because I do not want to have my "in class" image of my students tarnished by information they choose to broadcast about themselves.

I may wait two to three more years before joining the online social networking websites that feature my current institution. Every millennial does not want to embrace the full capabilities of online social networking (i.e. - me).

By the way, I will definitely keep my blog updated on new articles that I find to supplement my research!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our Students Are Stealing Our Silverware! A College Cafeteria's Plea!

U.S. News and World Report Article -

Maine's Vanishing Silverware

Click here for the article.

I COULD NOT HELP IT! I saw this article and I was enamored with the content. Students stealing from college cafeterias! How long has this problem persisted? Stealing from college cafeterias has probably lasted years and decades.

Thinking back to my college career, I did not actually know people who took items from the college cafeteria. Well, maybe milk and bread, but not silverware. Sorority women get hungry! Contrary to popular belief, sorority women actually eat!

My Guilty Pleasure - Ugly Betty & Grey's Anatomy

I need a video break! I have researched all day! Millennials, Millennials, Millennials! I found some great articles, but I just need a break!


Faculty on Facebook - Beneficial or Detrimental?

I finally had a chance to read last week's edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education today! On page A18, there was an article titled, Facebook Lets Users Search Library Stacks. So, I did what any millennial would do and I accessed the article on the website.

Two Thumbs Up!
I added the JSTOR and WorldCat application to my facebook profile. They are WONDERFUL! Being the prolific academic in training that I strive to be, I added my favorite book of the moment - "Write to the Top! How to be a Prolific Academic". I am too excited about sharing my reviews of the book with others through the WorldCat application.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Looking Scholarly
The only negative aspect of adding the profile is that I will look "scholarly" in front of my friends from high school and undergraduate school. However, I did add a few of the professors from my former institution so I think that I may look "scholarly" in front of my colleagues. Well, I conclude that "looking scholarly" pays the bills.

Some Articles about Faculty on Facebook
Crossing Boundaries: Identity Management and Student/Faculty Relationships on the Facebook -

“Faculty Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Scholarly Communication”

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Once Was Adjunct, But Now I Am Found, Was Blind But Now I See

It is a jungle out there! Adjuncts just know HALF of what goes on in an academic department. I functioned as an adjunct for a year for a university and a community college and I did now know WHAT was going on among assistant professors/full-time faculty.

Adjunct Power
It is amazing how many people actually teach in adjunct positions. Currently, there are more adjunct professors than tenured or tenure-track professors (Finder, 2007).With this many people having power in higher education, it is interesting that this group of people do not have decision making power. I see this from my point of view as an assistant professor, but if I step back and look at the national situation from an adjunct's point of view I am appauled.

Possible Solutions
It would actually be interesting to see if adjuncts form a national/state union. Addressing the situation of decision making authority, my former community college actually allowed adjuncts to function on faculty senate. Unheard of! It was interesting, but I do not think that adjuncts could actually run for a position.

Here is an interesting book about the adjunct experience - "Ghosts in the Classroom : Stories of College Adjunct Faculty--and the Price We All Pay".