Wednesday, February 10, 2010

People Like Me: A Unique Marketing Strategy Utilized by For- Profit Universities

I have been meaning to write this post for awhile, but it seems that every time a commercial is released, there is a new one to replace it.

Recently, my area of Texas has experienced an increase in the amount of for-profit universities (i.e. - Kaplan University, University of Phoenix, etc.). These universities have embraced a marketing strategy that tends to appeal to the average working adult, single mother, and disgruntled student. I am very impressed with their marketing strategy and I think many people may take advantage of their services (now and in the future). Their commercials feature students of both genders, many racial backgrounds, and lifestyles. In fact, some of these commercials are so appealing that I wish many traditional universities would replicate their marketing strategy by using social media websites (i.e. youtube).

Monday, February 8, 2010

What If Someone Had a Record of ALL of Your Online Searches? (An Interesting 45 Minute Video)

On New Year's Eve, my husband and I watched a very interesting documentary-style report on The report was enlightening, but scary at the same time. Today, I found the report on hulu (thank goodness for hulu) and it is around 45 minutes long.

What are your reactions?

Millennial Professor/Jennifer T. Edwards


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Twitter Toolbox - 111 Web-Based Twitter Tools

 "111 Twitter Tools" is a list of 111 web-based twitter tools that novice or advanced twitter users can use for twitter analysis, information gathering, network building and management, twitter management, sharing tools, organization and productivity, life tools, business and finance, and health, and blogging. Check out this great list! -