Thursday, March 31, 2011

Survey Opportunity - Instructional Communication and How Instructors Use Facebook to Communicate With Their Students


One of my dear friends, Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason, is conducting a great study focused on instructional communication and how instructors use Facebook to communicate with their students. If you have a spare moment, please help her by completing her survey. To participate in this study, participants must (a) have a Facebook account (b) be a college-level educator. Please participate by answering (10-15 minute) online survey questions about Facebook use. This study has been approved by the Southern University at New Orleans IRB. - Click here to take survey

Please forward this survey link ( to others who fit the criteria above.

Thank you so much!
Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Southern University at New Orleans

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I am a Millennial Professor and I Embrace the 24 Hour Professor Syndrome


Whenever I arrive back to the office from a long conference, I am always overwhelmed by the numerous items that I have to accomplish before leaving the office. I have to make online and offline lists (via Google Tasks) as I think about the items I learned from the conference and people I have to contact across campus. 

However, as I persist through the items on these lists, I experience a feeling of accomplishment. By the time I leave the office, usually after 5pm, I accomplish most of the items on the list. Then, I drive home only to answer students' e-mails and sift through my 300 daily e-mails on Gmail. 

This is the life of a millennial professor. I have to keep everything organized and I have to squeeze in time for my family as well. As I answer e-mail at home, I watch movies with my husband and I take my iPad with me as I garden and shop. Yes, I admit, I answer my students' e-mail messages as I eat lunch at La Madeleine on Saturday, browse books at Barnes and Noble, and pursue racks at Goodwill in search of great items for Environmental Communication Week. 

I embrace the fact that I am a 24 hour professor. A few years ago, I tried to avoid falling into the "24 hour professor" trap (i.e. - Does Graduate School Provide Millennial Professors for the Professional Environment), but now I am happy to embrace the fact that I am professionally connected to my students and my career. 


Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SSCA Conference Reflection - The Last Day...


Last week's conference went well. I enjoyed spending time with my students and answering their questions about the presentations. However, on the last day of the conference I experienced a splitting headache before my 11:00 a.m. paper session. This session was my one of my attempts to present quantitative research at a conference. My background is educational leadership (organizational communication) background and I was definitely out of my comfort zone. I learned from my respondent's comments and I will definitely use many of her suggestions in my next research paper. 

If you have a good respondent, you can gain a different insight into your research. If you have a bad respondent, this can make your 75 minute presentation one of the LONGEST periods of your life. The most important thing that I learned from this session is that the WAY people COMMUNICATE positive (or negative) information can GREATLY AFFECT how people receive and remember the information (and the person/people). The next time I function as a respondent for a paper session, I will definitely communicate my comments in a manner that is conducive to positive learning.

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Traveling with Undergraduate Students - A Recap and the DAY AFTER!


Today, I arrived back on campus. Thank goodness! I have to admit, when I am away from Texas, I REALLY miss conversing with my colleagues, walking on campus, and teaching! I prepare for my departure at the beginning of the semester and I list the departure in my syllabus.

However, when I arrived back on campus this time, I had a different experience! Remember, I traveled with undergraduate students and I had LOTS of paperwork to submit on their behalf and on my behalf. Whew! Aside from the paperwork and teaching, I had my weekly meeting with my colleague and interns with environmental communication week. Then, I had A LOT of e-mails to answer from students and faculty wishing to present in environmental communication week.

When I arrived home, I was so tired and as much as I wanted to water my garden, I had to sleep for the rest of the evening! Traveling with undergraduate researchers is a rewarding, yet an exhausting process! I definitely look forward to my next experience!


Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.