Friday, August 24, 2018

Creating an Engaging Retention Resource for College Students

Can you believe it? The beginning of the fall semester is here and I am VERY excited about meeting the new students. Over the summer, I was tasked with creating an engaging powerpoint for freshmen students who were transitioning to Tarleton State University.

I did not want to create anything that was a mere power point, but I wanted to add some color, music, and movement to the presentation. Here's the list of Top 10 Study Resources for Tarleton Students:

Top 10 Study Resources for Tarleton Students

1 - Attend Study Skills Sessions

2 - Get to Know Your Advisor

3 - Attend Your Professor's Office Hours

4 - Go to Class On-Time

5 - Make a Tutoring Appointment

6 - Attending ARC-C Sessions (Formerly Supplemental Instruction)

7 - Pick Up a FREE Planner from Student Success

8 - Take the Learning Styles Assessment (LASSI)

9 - Form Study Groups with Students in Your Classes

10 - Check Out the Math Clinic

Also, Check Out the Writing Center and the Science Clinic.

Questions? Contact Student Success - 968-9480 Remember to Eat Healthy Food!

Also, here's another student success video that was embedded on the Blackboard Course:

Here's a Quick Video for first-year students focused on "Module 4 - Learning How to Learn/Study Skills/Support Services (Math Clinic, Writing Center, Tutoring, SI, Library, Blackboard)". This is the best week for first-year students (freshmen) at Tarleton).

Please let me know some additional ways that this format or the content of the video can be used by different areas. I am excited!


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work
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