Yes! I am excited! We are getting back into the training and development mode with the Texas Social Media Research Institute (and the Rural Communication Institute)! Are you looking for a FREE conference focused on social media and rural communication? Check out our conference schedule!
Tuesday, November 2nd
5pm - Journal Club (Discussing "Reality check: How adolescents use
TikTok as a digital backchanneling medium to speak back against
institutional discourses of school(ing)."
Thursday, November 4th
8pm - #TXSocialMedia Twitter Chat - Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Sweater
Weather, and Autumn/Winter Social Media Outreach Strategies
Monday, November 8th
6pm - How Public Health Agencies in the United States in the United
Kingdom Communicate with their Target Audience During the COVID19
Pandemic (Presented by: Riley Odom, Megan Mackay, Erin McDonald,
Bayley Chenault, Sydney Brown)
8pm - How the Texas Department of Health and Safety and Colorado
Department of Health and Environment are Communicating about
Health During COVID19 (Presented By: Halie Hix, Shelby Hargrove,
Magnolia Dunlap, Michaela Bierman, Steven Duncan)
Tuesday, November 9th
5pm - Journal Club - Discussing the article: "We (Want To) Believe in
the Best of Men: A Qualitative Analysis of Reactions to
#Gillette on Twitter"
7pm - How the United States Federal Government and the State of Texas
Communicate with the Public During the Pandemic (Presented by: Kristi
Cortez, Jessica Thomas, Kennedy Onuam, Julia Nolen)
Thursday, November 11th
3pm - Neurodiversity at Work; Assignment Construction Strategies for
Creative Thinkers in Online Teams (Presented By: Melanie Mason (University
of Texas at Arlington)
8pm - #TXSocialMedia Twitter Chat - Veterans Day and How the Military
Engages the Public Through Social Media
Thursday, November 11th
11:59pm - #TXSocialMedia Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship
Applications Due
Sunday, November 14th
6:30 pm - How the Louisiana Department of Education and the Texas
Education Agency are Communicating about Health During COVID19
(Presented By: Katherine Mitchell, Audrey Morton, Jorge Irizarry,
Audrey Morton, Morgan Maley, Christina Byrd)
Monday, November 15th
7pm - #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let's Network Session on Zoom -
Social Media and Privacy - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Tuesday, November 16th
1pm - Connecting & Engaging with Students -
Presented By: Narissra Punyanunt-Carter & Dr. Ryan Martinez (Texas Tech University)
3pm - Alzheimer's (and Rural Health) Community Forum for Tarleton
Staff and Faculty- Register online:
5pm - Journal Club - Discussing "Small Businesses Still Missing the Boat
on Social Media and Internet Advertising."
Thursday, November 18th
8pm - #TXSocialMedia Twitter Chat - National Rural Health Day -
Innovative Ways Rural Residents Can Practice Preventative Care
7pm - #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let's Network Session on Zoom - Innovative
Ways TikTok Can Be Utilized in Education, Business, and Life
Saturday, November 27th
All Day - Use the Hashtag #ShopSmall for Small Business Saturday
Monday, November 28th
7pm - #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let's Network Session on Zoom -
Social Media and Health - How Does Social Media Impact Our Health?
Tuesday, November 30th
12:30pm - Student-based Resourcing: Responding to Increased Needs as
a Rural Institution (Presented by: Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason
& Cameron Ellner, Tarleton State University)
6pm - How the Texas Department of Health and Human Services
and the State of Louisiana Department of Health are Communicating
About Health (Presented By: Averill Hubbard, Zachary Mesa, Dylan
Antonelli, Olivia Teague, Kyon Barnes)
7pm - #TXSocialMedia LIVE: Let's Network Session on Zoom -
Hooked on Social: Social Media the New Kid's Toy?
Are They Becoming Hooked TOO EARLY?
National Day of Giving - Give to the Rural Communication Institute and
the Texas Social Media Research Institute
National Mason Jar Day -
Highlight Innovative Ways You Can Use Mason Jars
(Use the #TXSocialMedia and #ThinkRuralComm hashtags)
Save-the-Date & Call for Proposals
The 12th Annual #TXSocialMedia Conference & the 3rd Annual Rural
Communication Conference will be held on Friday, April 22, 2022 in Fort
Worth Texas. Submit a Proposal -