Showing posts with label EAB Navigate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EAB Navigate. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Preparing Our Higher Education Institutions for the Future - 5 Recommendations

As we prepare for an upcoming year, I have to stop and think about the future of higher education. The pandemic changed our students, faculty, staff, and our campus as a whole. The Education Advisory Board (EAB) provides colleges and universities across the country with resources and ideas to help the students of the future.

I confess, I have been a complete fan of EAB and their resources for the past ten years. Their resources are at the forefront of higher education innovation.

One of their resources, "Campus 2030: Envisioning Tomorrow’s Multi-Modal Campus" projects the future of several services available at colleges and universities across the nation. These services include:

🏛 - Dining Halls and Food Spaces

🏛 - Modern Student Housing

🏛 - Hybrid and Flexible Office Spaces

🏛 - Tech-Enabled Classrooms

🏛 - Libraries and Learning Commons

🏛 - Interdisciplinary Research Facilities

Higher education institutions should also focus on the faculty and staff as well. When I ask most of my peers if they are comfortable with the numerous changes happening across their institution, most of them are uncomfortable. We need to prepare our teams for the future of higher education. 

Here's the Millennial Professor's Call the Action Statements for the Higher Education Industry

🌎 - Higher Education Conferences and Summits Need to Provide Trainings Focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Their Attendees

🌎 - Higher Education Institutions Need to Include Faculty and Staff as Part of Their Planning Process (an Important Part)

🌎 - Higher Education Institutions Provide Wellness and Holistic Support for Faculty and Staff Who are Having Problems With Change (You Need Us and We Need Help)

🌎 - Higher Education Institutions Need to Be Comfortable with Uncommon Spaces (Flexible Office Spaces)

🌎 - Faculty Need to Embrace Collaboration Opportunities with Faculty at Their Institutions and Other Institutions

Here are some additional articles about the future of higher education:

Higher education will continue to transition in an effort to meet the needs of our current and incoming students. 

For our particular university, we are striving to modify all of these items simultaneously. It is a challenge, but the changes are well worth the journey.

Here's the challenge for this post: "In your opinion, which one of the items on the list is MOST important for your institution?"


Check out my book - Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

Remember to order copies for your team as well!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success and Retention Institute - Learning Community on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Professor of Communication
Executive Director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute & Rural Communication Institute

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Monday, January 13, 2020

Student Success Technology Hacks - How Professors Can Use EAB Navigate for Class Assignments

Higher education faculty have a duty to embrace and promote student success. Without students, we would not have a job. It is imperative that we discover new ways to reach and teach our students.

The Education Advisory Board (EAB Navigate) platform provides an easy-to-operate opportunity for faculty to utilize technology for engaging with students. The academic early alert feature and also the student profile feature can help faculty gain a further glimpse into the academic preparedness of their student.

We need to utilize this information FOR GOOD and not for detrimental purposes. If we admit the student, we have an obligation to do everything we can to graduate the student. However, the student also needs to do their part as well!

Check out this video for more information about how professors can utilize EAB Navigate to promote student success and also for class assignments.

Try this campaign! Also, there are more campaigns available in my book - Retaining College Students Using Technology: A Guidebook for Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Professionals.

Remember to order copies for your team as well!

Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success and Retention Institute - Learning Community on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Enhanced Faculty Features on the EAB Navigate System

This is a quick and simple way to schedule an advising appointment with academic advisors at some higher education institutions. Now, it is EASY to discover when your advisor is available and when you are available (i.e. - now in class).

We had several sessions that focused on the features of the Navigate platform. Yes, I know that the Education Advisory Board company will continue to update the platform, but the basic components of the platform will remain the same (I hope). The components are easy for the faculty, staff, and students to navigate, but these important individuals at the university also need special reminders about the key clicks they need to make to "make things happen" on the platform.

The Student Success Collaborative (Navigate) is an innovative student success technology platform that can enable campuses to provide outreach to students and faculty, measure this outreach, and to make evidence-based decisions about the emerging data. For campuses who want to connect with their students and benchmark the results, the Education Advisory Board's Navigate platform is one of the best technologies for your campus.

If your campus is considering how they can integrate a new student success technology for their students, faculty, and staff, please contact me and I will be happy to help. Student success has been why research field for the past 15 years and I am excited about the new technology innovations that are occurring in the higher education field.


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work
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Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success Communication and Technology Institute on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

My Social Media Channels!
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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work

Monday, October 22, 2018

Enhanced Faculty Features on the EAB Navigate System

If your campus utilizes the Education Advisory Board's Navigate platform (formerly the Student Success Collaborative), you are extremely lucky. This platform enables faculty, staff, and students to engage electronically with one another. From a Communication Professor's perspective, it is important for me to emphasize that the Student Success Collaborative (Navigate) is one of the most easy student success technology platforms to navigate (no pun intended) for faculty and staff. 

The Student Success Collaborative (Navigate) is an innovative student success technology platform that can enable campuses to provide outreach to students and faculty, measure this outreach, and to make evidence-based decisions about the emerging data. For campuses who want to connect with their students and benchmark the results, the Education Advisory Board's Navigate platform is one of the best technologies for your campus.

I am eager to discover the newly updated features of the Starfish platform again and I welcome the opportunity to discover this with another campus who wants to invite me as a student success technology consultant.

If your campus is considering how they can integrate a new student success technology for their students, faculty, and staff, please contact me and I will be happy to help. Student success has been why research field for the past 15 years and I am excited about the new technology innovations that are occurring in the higher education field.


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

My Social Media Channels!
Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
Remember to Subscribe to Me on YOUTUBE
My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work
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Interested in a specific student success topic or do you need a speaker for an upcoming conference? Contact me via direct message on Twitter or join our Student Success Communication and Technology Institute on Facebook!

Thanks for visiting! 


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher

My Social Media Channels!
Remember to Follow Me on Twitter! @drjtedwards
I Always Post Higher Education Videos on YouTube
Find Me on Instagram
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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work