Showing posts with label EndofSemester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EndofSemester. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Year in Review - Top 10 Wired Campus Blog Posts in 2011 & Freebie Friday!


I am an avid blog reader and sometimes it becomes overwhelming to visit my Google Reader and to read all of this wonderful information from various authors from across the world! Here are some great lists from various sources focused on the top higher education blogs in 2011! 

Here are the top three articles from their list:

Readers - Here is our last FREEBIE of the year! Something for YOU and for your students!

Free $10 Kindle Textbook Credit! - Prior to making a purchase, enter the code ETXTBOOK and click the "apply" button. Your $10.00 credit will be automatically applied to your amazon account. This offer is valid from December 30, 2011 to January 9, 2012. PLEASE tell your students about this great offer!



J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Year in Review - Top 10 Education Technology Apps for Higher Education in 2011


I have had an iPad1, iPad2, and I am very excited about potentially purchasing the iPad3 when it debuts in a few months. So, I am eager to stay abreast of the new educational technology apps that are available for the higher education environment. Here is my top 10 list of #edtech apps for higher education....

1 - Blackboard Mobile Learn (FREE)

2 - Goodreader (Great for Organizing PDFs)

iPad Screenshot 1

3 - Evernote

iPhone Screenshot 1

4 - Ebscohost

5 - Gradekeeper (Great for Attendance AND Grades) - LINK OR LINK

6 - Adobe Connect

iPhone Screenshot 1

7 - iMovie

iPhone Screenshot 2

8 - iHourglass (Thanks Jenna @

iPhone Screenshot 1

9 - Inkling

iPad Screenshot 1

10 - Course Smart

iPad Screenshot 1



J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Year in Review - Top 10 Technology Trends in 2011 (and projections for 2012)


I am a sucker for technology at home (i.e. - the iPads, iPods, etc.) and I admit that my work is filled with technology as well! Here are a few of the best higher education #edtech tools for 2011 (according to various sources)...

According to CNN, here are five of the "Top Ten Tech Trends for 2011"!

1 - Touch Computing

2 - Social Gestures

3 - NFC and Mobile Payments

4 - Beyond the iPad

5 - TV Everywhere

According to Tech News World, here are five of the "Top Ten Tech Trends for 2012"!

1 - Voice Command (like Siri)

2 - E-mail Decline

3 - Cable Box Decline

4 - Hosted Services

5 - App Stores



J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Monday, December 26, 2011

The Year in Review - Top 10 Millennial Professor Blog Posts in 2011!


This has been an amazing and exciting, yet tiring year! This week, we will review several TOP TEN lists that are focused on higher education! Today's list is focused on the Millennial Professor blog!

Monday - Top 10 Millennial Professor Blog Posts in 2011

Tuesday - Top 10 Higher Education News Stories in 2011

Wednesday - Top 10 Technology Trends in 2011 (and projections for 2012)

Thursday - Top 10 Education Technology Apps for Higher Education in 2011

Friday - Top 10 Wired Campus Blog Posts in 2011 & Freebie Friday!

Here are the Top 10 Millennial Professor Blog Posts in 2011:

By the way, THANKS for visiting our blog this year! We had 7,087 visits and 10,297 pageviews!

#1 - How to Cheat on Blackboard (1,078 views)

#8 - Netflix in the Classroom? (108 Views)

Enjoy! Thanks for all of your views this year! :)


J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Finals Prep-Week! - Treat Yourself at Marriott Properties During the Winter Break!


During the break, I plan to accomplish A LOT of tasks! Non-academic tasks include wrapping gifts and placing the ornaments on the tree. Academic tasks include finalizing the spring syllabi, answering students' e-mail, finding grants, and finishing tasks for the Texas Social Media Research Institute (TSMRI). 

Despite the full schedule, I plan to take advantage of some wonderful last minute reservations at a Marriott hotel (or two) during the break. My hotel stay is always relaxing and I am more productive at a Marriott desk than I am at my own desk (whether at work or at home). There are just so many distractions at home and at work! Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself! This is such a funny video!

If you are interested in the Marriott Rewards program, please click this link...

If you need a referral, please let me know! -


J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Finals Prep-Week! - The Mini-Mental Vacation (Professors and TV Series)


During finals prep week, I allow myself to do SOMETHING to veg out for a few minutes each day! This rest enables me to focus on other activities that comprise my daily mini-mental vacation! Every semester the mini-mental vacation is always focused on a different activity. Past semesters focused on television series (thank Netflix)! I admit, I love Bones, Law and Order, Criminal Minds, and Mad Men! Yes, I have reached the semi-middle-aged threshold that looks forward to the 5pm and 10pm news! 

This year, I focused my efforts on Pinterest (because I do not have time for anything else). :) Next week, I will focus on how college professors can use Pinterest in their classrooms.


J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy Finals Prep-Week/Wandering Wednesdays - Frugal Scholar: Lessons from a Lifetime of Frugality

During this time of year, I am always searching for good deals for Christmas and for the month of January (which is always an economically LEAN month for our household). I am always reading frugal mommy blogs and frugal couple blogs to gain ideas and insight into how our household can save money. Here's my hidden secret, I also spend money on my "mobile classroom" at the beginning of each semester (even throughout the semester). The items that I purchase include the following: post-it notes, markers, in-class incentives, kraft bags for in class activities, books, etc.). 

Now, I am super excited to feature the following frugal professor blog (one of the first that I have ever seen). Introducing the Frugal Scholar Blog - This author (who does not identify herself) describes herself as a, "pathologically frugal professor, wife, and mother".
I will definitely follow her blog via Blogger and I cannot wait to discover which subject she teaches and for which university she is employed.

Her recent posts in the months of November/December include:


J. Edwards
Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Finals Prep-Week! - The Long-Semester To Do List

I am very excited about next week...finals week! While preparing for finals week, I have to persist through my end-of-the-semester to do list. This list usually includes:

- Saving several blackboard data files in PDF format.
- Clean my office "pantry" (a clear Rubbermaid box with snacks) and refrigerator.
- Finish grading extra credit assignments.
- Distribute pre-finals grades to students.
- Return library books and other "borrowed" items.
- Save blackboard courses and place data back into the course repository.
- Plan the Communication Department's Winter Party.

What is on your end-of-the-semester to do list?


J. Edwards

Millennial Professor - Jennifer T. Edwards, Ed.D.
Become a fan of Millennial Professor on Facebook -
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