Showing posts with label Free Webinars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Webinars. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

Free Professional Development Opportunity from @LEAPTexas - AACU Learning Outcomes (Social Responsibility Week) - August 8th-12th

I love serving as a Faculty Fellow for LEAP Texas! This has been one of the most amazing experiences that I have ever experienced in higher education. I love networking with colleagues from other institutions and I've gained a wealth of skills focused 

Social Responsibility Week – August 8 - 12
During the week of August 8 - 12, LEAP Texas will be holding a week­long celebration of Social Responsibility. It’s a week where faculty from across the state of Texas can come together online and talk about how they are integrating Social Responsibility into teaching, learning, and assessment:

Want to stand a chance of winning a prize!?!?!
Please RSVP for the events below by completing this form - You can still participate in events if you do not complete the form BUT to win our fabulous prizes we need you to fill in the form @LEAPTexas Social Responsibility Week! Please let us know if you plan to participate in the events! We will see you at the events!

Monday 8 August
What’s on: 3pm: Webinar on Social Responsibility presented by Dr. Doyle Carter and Dr Christine Purkiss from Angelo State University
Description: This session takes a look at Social Responsibility and the opportunities and challenges associated with teaching and assessing this core objective. The presenters will also share the social responsibility rubric developed at this institution
Join online:
Mon, Aug 8, 2016 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Dial in by phone:
United States : +1 (571) 317-3112
Access Code: 331-951-253
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:

Tuesday 9 August
What’s on: Social responsibility recipes all day with Dr Jennifer Edwards on Twitter 
Description: I know, you are thinking  - recipes and social responsibility? Well, this is an innovative approach focused on small (but meaningful) activities focused on how we can teach our college students how to be socially responsible. To participate and to submit an event, please click the following link - Submit a Teaching Recipe for the #LEAPTexas Recipe book on Social Responsibility

Wednesday 10 August 
What’s on: Tune in to the "30 Ways to Integrate Social Responsibility in Your Fall Courses" Periscope Session at 8am CDT.
Tune in here -
Description: In this session, you will discover and contribute ways to teach and engage your students in interactive assignments addressing social responsibility! These engagement methods will include syllabus integration, teaching methods for the first-year seminar, teaching methods for capstone courses, career portfolio and resume integration, and classroom assessment of social responsibility.

Thursday 11 August
What’s on: Engage in the Lunchtime "Teaching Social Responsibility in College Courses" Twitter Chat by using the #LEAPTexas hashtag on at Noon CDT
1. At noon on the day of the chat, log into Twitter and type in #LEAPTexas (not case sensitive).
2.  Wait for a question (one is tweeted out about every 8 minutes).
Ex:  Q1 - Do you think it is more important to incorporate social responsibility for first-year students or senior-year students? Which assignments would be better for each group? #LEAPTexas
3. Hit "Reply" to the tweet with the question, use A for Answer, and include the hash tag. Ex: A1 -  Definitely for first-year students, it is important to engage students as soon as they arrive to your campus. #LEAPTexas

Friday 12 August:
What’s on: Reflections on the week.
Description: Join us on Twitter (#LEAPTexas) as LEAP takes a look back on social responsibility week and what we learned.

Follow us on Twitter @LEAPTexas #LEAPTexas.
If you would like to learn more about the work of our faculty fellows and LEAPTX activity in general please visit us online at
Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Follow Me on Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Free Webinar for Higher Education Professionals - Easy Predictors: Quickly Explore Your Data to Find Trends, Relationships, and Predictors (Sponsored by AALHE)

If you are interested in higher education assessment, this is a great resource for you. This webinar is sponsored by Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AAHLE).

December 11, 2015
Easy Predictors: Quickly Explore Your Data to Find Trends, Relationships, and Predictors
at 10:00 AM EST  - To register, go to:
Presented by David Eubanks, Ph.D. Furman University

Abstract: There are many software packages you can use to analyze data, but it can be very time consuming to master the arcane commands required, and even then it may take a while to get what you want. The intent of the webinar is to demonstrate a free online tool that can't solve all your data problems, but is very quick at letting you find out what-predicts-what within structured data. Instead of spending time looking up commands or clicking through menus, you can just ask questions and get answers. This Q&A is of a particular type that mimics the institutional effectiveness loop: first we identify something we care about, and then we find out what predicts it. If we care about student retention, what other variables predict retention and how are they related to each other? Once you master the simple interface, it is fast enough to use on the spot in committee meetings, to answer the inevitable "what if" questions.

The webinar will start with a brief overview of predictors and how we measure their effectiveness, and then use a public database of Titanic passengers to demonstrate the system by finding out what characteristics would have predicted survival of the tragedy. Then we will look at some survey data to see what elements predict student academic success.

(Information Shared from the AALHE Listserv)


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Free Webinar for Higher Education Professionals - Faculty Perspectives on Cultures of Assessment (Sponsored by AALHE)

If you are interested in higher education assessment, this is a great resource for you. This webinar is sponsored by Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AAHLE).

October 16, 2015
Faculty Perspectives on Cultures of Assessment 1:00 PM EDT - to register go to
Presented by:  Matthew Fuller, Ph.D.  Sam Houston State University

Abstract: Through books, articles, and presentations, assessment scholars have advocated specific practices to gain faculty support and “buy in” for assessment. Tying assessment practices to tenure and promotions policies, engaging faculty in early and frequent dialogue, and developing assessments that are associated with what faculty value are a few examples of recommended efforts. However, very few studies have actually asked faculty what they believe about assessment and fundamental perspectives on their institution’s culture of assessment.

The Faculty Survey of Assessment Culture is a nation-wide, annual survey of faculty members’ perspectives on their institution’s cultures of assessment. The instrument is meant to explore the extent to which institutions exhibit elements of culture of compliance, fear, or generative support for assessment in faculty members’ perspectives. The survey identifies several factors 
(1) Faculty perceptions, 
(2) Use of Data, 
(3) Sharing Data, 
(4) Compliance or Fear Factors, and 
(5) Normative Purposes of Assessment as well as 
(6) higher-order factors of (a) a culture of assessment, and (b) leadership strategies for assessment that have been identified and measured through this 5 year research effort . 

Much has been learned about faculty perceptions and, through a parallel study of administrators . And similarities and differences between administrators and faculty have been identified. 

(Information Shared from the AALHE Listserv)


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at