Showing posts with label Assessment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assessment. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2017

Yes, Fellow Faculty Member - Equity IS Important for Your Students!

Over the past year, EQUITY has become THE of the most important word to me as a professor and as an administrator. As an avid reader of the Chronicle of Higher Education and the Education Advisory Board daily briefs, it has been a constant word that appears in each issue and/or email.

As higher educators, should be dedicated to equitable practices in the classroom, and in our programming, and in our services. Student success is impacted by access, retention, and progression. In addition to admitting students to higher education, we should also be focused on helping each student (as much as we can) progress to graduation.

Here's the best thing, AACU and NIOLA partnered together to sponsor sessions on transparent assignments. The presenter, Mary-Ann Winkelmes from UNLV did an exceptional job presenting easy ways that faculty can make assignments transparent for their students.

Part 2 - The Workshop Continues!

Part 3 - The Workshop Continues!

Part 4 - An Introduction to the Charettes!

Part 5 - Questions and Answers from the Session

Part 6 - Here's the Wrap Up Session

I look forward to almost ANYTHING that is hosted by AACU and NIOLA. They are two amazing organizations and they care about spreading best practices focused on teaching, research, and diversity/equity!

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Each Faculty Member Should Know About the Degree Qualifications Profile! Do You?

Over the past year, I've been fortunate to serve a LEAP Texas Faculty Fellow. This has truly been one of the best experiences in higher education that I have had in a long time. Our LEAP Texas groups was selected to present at the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment's Charrette experience. 

All five of the LEAP Texas Fellows collaborated together to form a collection of five similar assignments focused on the first-year seminar (our common link). During the charrette, we shared these assignments and received feedback focused on our assignment design. We incorporated this feedback and then we resubmitted our assignment for the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) library.

Check out my submission to the assignment library - Incorporating the Diversity of Academic Disciplines in a College-Wide First-Year Seminar Course to Address University Problems

Incorporating the Diversity of Academic Disciplines in  a College-Wide First-Year Seminar Course to Address University Problems

When you have a chance, please check out the DQP library. It is very extensive and it definitely helps all faculty (new and seasoned) create assignments focused on the following DQP proficiencies:

Analytic inquiry
Broad and Integrative Knowledge
Communicative fluency
Ethical reasoning
Quantitative fluency
Use of information resources
Applied and Collaborative Learning
Civic and Global Learning
Engaging diverse perspectives
Intellectual Skills
Specialized Knowledge

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Follow Me on Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
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Monday, August 22, 2016

Research Paper Pick of the Week - Social Network Analysis as a Method to Assess Collaboration

I am truly becoming a higher education professional who LOVES assessment. For those of you who have been following my blog for a long time, you know that I love social media research as well. 

This paper from the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment is definitely one of my favorites. Social Network Analysis as a Method to Assess Collaboration by Christa van Staden is an interesting paper focused on social networks and faculty assessment. 

The paper focuses on an international context, but the information is definitely applicable for institutions in the United States as well. 

Enjoy the paper! 

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Follow Me on Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
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Monday, August 1, 2016

30 Ways to Incorporate Teamwork in Higher Education Classrooms - A LEAP Texas Initiative

For the past four years, I've had a great time learning about higher education administration. It has been an incredible experience incorporating the key concepts and theories that I learned in graduate school everyday! From crisis communication to public relations, this has been daily learning experience!

One item that I really appreciate is the ability to teach while serving in higher education administration. I adore teaching undergraduate students and I love teaching graduate students as well. The social media teaching field requires me to teach and learn everyday! 

Last summer, I applied and I was selected as a Faculty Fellow for Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP Texas). Through this experience, I've been able to connect with other faculty fellows from across the state while learning additional concepts about teaching in higher education. I've learned about the core curriculum from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. In addition to the core, one of the most life changing items that I've learned includes key concepts about assessment and the LEAP Value Rubrics.

During my time as a fellow, it has been amazing to merge two of my higher education loves (teaching and social media). In the spring semester, I was very fortunate to present a Periscope (one of my favorite technologies) focused on "30 Ways to Incorporate Teamwork in Higher Education Classrooms". 

I enjoyed presenting this Periscope to the attendees and this scope is archived on the Leap Texas YouTube Account. Enjoy!
Please feel free to ask any questions about the LEAP Texas experience! In fact, applications are available as well! Here's the link! - 

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Follow Me on Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Submit a Teaching Recipe for the #LEAPTexas Recipe book on Social Responsibility

In preparation for Social Responsibility Week, I would like to issue a VIP call to you to submit RECIPE for the #LEAPTexas Recipe book on Social Responsibility

As part of submitting your recipe, we will highlight your recipe on Twitter (include your university's name in the post) and include your recipe in the e-book!

I know you are thinking, recipes and social responsibility? Well, this is an innovative approach focused on small (but meaningful) activities focused on how we can teach our college students how to be socially responsible.

What is social responsibility?
Liberal Education and America's Promise defines social responsibility by focusing on the following concepts:

- Civic knowledge and engagement—local and global
- Intercultural knowledge and competence
- Ethical reasoning and action
- Foundations and skills for lifelong learning

In the Social Responsibility @LEAPTexas Recipe Bookeach of the recipes will be compiled in a e-publication to help others incorporate SR in their courses or high impact educational practices! 

Please submit a short recipe (and your name) by typing the recipe on the @LEAPTexas Recipe Book . The instructions for submitting your recipe on the book only include TWO steps!

Step 1 - Please copy and paste the following recipe template below the line:

Social Responsibility (SR) Recipe Title:
Course in Which You Incorporated Social Responsibility:
Description of (SR) Assignment:
Items Needed:
Time Needed:
Ideas for Assessing the Assignment:
Additional Resources and Links (Optional)

Step 2 - Type your recipe utilizing the template below the yellow on the Google Document line:

If you have ANY questions, please contact me, I will be happy to help! Have a great week!

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Follow Me on Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Free Webinar for Higher Education Professionals - Easy Predictors: Quickly Explore Your Data to Find Trends, Relationships, and Predictors (Sponsored by AALHE)

If you are interested in higher education assessment, this is a great resource for you. This webinar is sponsored by Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AAHLE).

December 11, 2015
Easy Predictors: Quickly Explore Your Data to Find Trends, Relationships, and Predictors
at 10:00 AM EST  - To register, go to:
Presented by David Eubanks, Ph.D. Furman University

Abstract: There are many software packages you can use to analyze data, but it can be very time consuming to master the arcane commands required, and even then it may take a while to get what you want. The intent of the webinar is to demonstrate a free online tool that can't solve all your data problems, but is very quick at letting you find out what-predicts-what within structured data. Instead of spending time looking up commands or clicking through menus, you can just ask questions and get answers. This Q&A is of a particular type that mimics the institutional effectiveness loop: first we identify something we care about, and then we find out what predicts it. If we care about student retention, what other variables predict retention and how are they related to each other? Once you master the simple interface, it is fast enough to use on the spot in committee meetings, to answer the inevitable "what if" questions.

The webinar will start with a brief overview of predictors and how we measure their effectiveness, and then use a public database of Titanic passengers to demonstrate the system by finding out what characteristics would have predicted survival of the tragedy. Then we will look at some survey data to see what elements predict student academic success.

(Information Shared from the AALHE Listserv)


Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
- Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
- drjtedwards at

Monday, December 8, 2014

Recap of the 2014 #SACSCOC Annual Meeting - Dec. 5th - Dec. 8th

Today, I created several higher education and blogging goals. These goals included: writing posts as soon as possible and posting these posts as soon as I arrive home from a conference, etc.

The #SACSCOC conference was amazing and I was pleased to connect with several individuals from other universities. I stored these business cards in a special part of my Vera bag, because one of my new years resolutions is to keep in contact with higher education connections formed during conferences.

Courtesy of @heatherplez

This SACSCOC conference was held in Nashville, TN and the attendees had several hotel options. I chose the Courtyard Marriott, because it was slightly cheaper than the other options. I traveled via shuttle to the hotel and connected with several SACSCOC attendees (one from Tarrant County College and the other from Savannah State University).

In fact, I was fortunate enough to have breakfast on two separate days with two of the individuals I hope to add to my highered contacts list!

One of the first sessions I attended was the Newcomers session and it featured the President of SACSCOC, Dr. Belle Wheelan. She is an outstanding woman and I always enjoy hearing her speak. Through the session, I learned about several new developments regarding SACSCOC.

After this session, I walked through the hallway and heard my name. One of my colleagues found me and I was pleased to see her familiar face. We exchanged notes and later discovered that we planned to attend the same session for the next conference slot. Surprisingly, I discovered the presenter was my fabulous sorority sister, Dr. Amanda Chesser Drum (yes, she is amazing). I look up to her for a variety of reasons and she always has a smile on her face.

Dr. Drum is from Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi and she serves as the Executive Director of Strategic Engagement Initiatives. She is also charged with assessment and the SACSCOC 5th year reviews. She worked interactively with various departments under student life and other similar student services-focused departments to develop student learning outcomes that coincide with the CAS Standards. I thought this approach was very effective and it helped her developed her university's SACSCOC report. I plan to use the CAS Standards for an internal review process for several areas at the university for which I work in Texas.

Since I learned a wealth of information about section 2.10, I wanted to learn more about the QEP initiatives in the next session. This session was presented by Dr. Wayne Atchley from Tarleton State University and he did a dynamic job presenting his university's "Keeping It R.E.A.L" initiative for engaging students in the following areas: undergraduate research, leadership, study abroad/study away, service learning, and internships.

These individual sessions provided me with a stronger foundation for assessment for this next year. I feel fortunate to have this experience and I cannot wait to research additional innovative and dynamic ways to perform assessment (qualitative and quantitative) on our student learning outcomes.

Also, I followed the backchannel on Twitter for the #SACSCOC conference. Here's a recap of the conference so far:

I learned a wealth of information from the conference and I am fired up for assessment! Also, I wanted to add that I was especially excited that the Convention Center is a LEED certified building! :) This is very exciting to an environmental sustainability-focused millennial!

Sincerely - @drjtedwardsTSU

Preparing for the SACSCOC Conference and Thinking Ahead to Assessment Bootcamp

Preparing for the SACSCOC Conference - I admit, this has been a long semester, but one of the most rewarding semesters so far!

Tomorrow (Saturday), I am headed to the SACSCOC annual conference. I am excited about placing the assessment hat on my head at this point in the semester.

It is extremely difficult to write the reports in the middle of the semester (in the midst of the activities), but I always look forward to small breaks. These breaks include: winter break, spring break, the break in May. These are typically my #highered "catch-up" times if I happen to be behind.

Thinking Ahead to the Winter Break
Here's the ideal set-up for assessment, Edwards-style. A quiet room, restricted interactions from others, and a great station on Pandora/Storify.

I am all packed and I am ready to attend my first SACSCOC conference! :)

Sincerely - @drjtedwardsTSU