1 - Mentor a Tenure-Track Colleague
Mentoring is very important and it can help you remain informed about the newest research in your discipline. Also, your tenure-track colleagues have the most energy and you have the most experience - MAKE IT WORK!
2 - Dedicate a Specific Amount of Time Each Week to Research Something New
It is important to remain excited and informed about your field of study! Take time to research something new and to find out the most recent research in your field! Share with your tenure-track colleague(s)!
3 - Make Friends with the Librarians!
The librarians order books and they can let you know when a book, resource, or a database that is relevant for your discipline arrives at the library.
4 - Join a University Committee
Committees are time consuming, but they can also help you connect with your faculty and student affairs colleagues on campus. Through these committees, your experience can impact the outcome of the committee and can impact university decisions. In addition, through this committees, you can help your students and colleagues gain opportunities and partnerships on campus.
5 - Write Grants to Expand Your Research
When you write a grant, you can include additional travel funding, request course releases, and receive operations/maintenance funding for your project. Include a tenure track faculty member and students on the proposal as well!
6 - Write a Book Contributing to Your Discipline
The after-tenure journey is a great time to write a book (or two) to share your knowledge with others. Depending on your personal goals, you can partner with a publisher (potentially less money) or participate in a Amazon publishing agreement (potentially more money).
7 - Create Your Own Research Institute/Leave Your Legacy
When you create a research institute or initiative on your campus, you are leaving your legacy. Remember to include other faculty and undergraduate/graduate students on the proposal. Also, the research institute can keep you accountable for your research.
8 - Participate in a Study Abroad Experience with Other Faculty and StudentsStudy abroad experiences can definitely impact student and faculty success. Also, these experience can help you renew your motivation for your research and your field of study!
9 - Work with Undergraduate ResearchersWhen you form your own team of undergraduate researchers, you gain a group of eager students who are excited about learning more about you and your research. Find some mutual research interests and set up a research plan for these groups of students. There are many publication outlets for these eager researchers (and you)!
10 - Remember to Document Your Progress on Your CV and Social MediaYou never know when you will need to pull a list of your current (and past) projects. Remember to document these important projects on your curriculum vita and on your social media outlets.
Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!
Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
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