The Student Success Collaborative (Navigate) is an innovative student success technology platform that can enable campuses to provide outreach to students and faculty, measure this outreach, and to make evidence-based decisions about the emerging data. For campuses who want to connect with their students and benchmark the results, the Education Advisory Board's Navigate platform is one of the best technologies for your campus.
Retention, Student Success, Student Success Collaborative, Education Advisory Board, Navigate, How to Use EAB, Retention, 60X30TX, Higher Education, Student Affairs, Student Services
EAB (Navigate)
We Can Form Appointment Campaigns
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We Can Send Email to Students
We Can Send Email to Students
We Can See a Realistic Preview for Each Student
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We Can See the Public Notes for Each Student
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We Can Perform Advanced Searches and Analytics
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Faculty Log-In to Refer Their Students to Early Alert
Faculty Never Have to Log-On to Refer Their Students
Create Your Own Cohort
Create Your Own Cohort
Student’s Picture is Displayed
| Student’s Picture is Displayed |
We Can View Midterm Grades and Final Grades
I am eager to discover the newly updated features of the Starfish platform again and I welcome the opportunity to discover this with another campus who wants to invite me as a student success technology consultant.
If your campus is considering how they can integrate a new student success technology for their students, faculty, and staff, please contact me and I will be happy to help. Student success has been why research field for the past 15 years and I am excited about the new technology innovations that are occurring in the higher education field.
Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards
Higher Education Speaker and Researcher
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My Research Interests: Customer Service and Social Media, Higher Education Retention, and Millennials at Work
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