Showing posts with label Texas Higher Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas Higher Education. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Free Web-Based Training on Critical Thinking in Higher Education Classrooms

An extravaganza of Critical Thinking themed activities and conversations taking place online specially designed to engage faculty across Texas. Hosted by LEAP Texas and the American Association of Colleges and Universities.

Monday 24 April – Between 12pm – 1pm 

What’s on: Participate in the Twitter Chat focused on “Teaching Critical Thinking in College Courses” by following @LEAPTexas and using #LEAPTexas
At 12pm on the day of the chat, log into Twitter and type in #LEAPTexas(not case sensitive).
Wait for a question (one is tweeted out about every 8 minutes). Example:  Q1 – Do you think it is more important to incorporate Critical Thinking for first-year students or senior-year students? Which assignments would be better for each group? #LEAPTexas
Hit “Reply” to the tweet with the question, use A for Answer, and include the hash tag. #LEAPTexas

Tuesday 25 April

We’re releasing some new resources focused on Critical Thinking on our website – for more details follow us at @LEAPTexas

Wednesday 26 April

Webinar 3-4pm
What’s on: Webinar “What’s Critical About Critical Thinking”
Presenters: Dr Jon Lee and Dr Jeanne Tunks
LEAP Texas Fellow Webinar (Tunks & Lee)
Wed, Apr 26, 2017 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 233-913-461

First GoToMeeting? Try a test session: 

Thursday 27 April

 – Online event 10-11am

What’s on: Online live broadcast about Critical Thinking
Tune in here –
Presenter: Dr Jennifer Edwards

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards

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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Did I Hold It Together During the Graduation Ceremony? You Decide!

Last night was one of the best experiences that I've had in academia. I've worked at the same university for the past ten years and by far, this has been my proudest moment so far.

The Tarleton State University Communication Studies Department celebrated its first two communication studies graduates at the master's level. Mr. Winston Dawson and Ms. Becca Long have always been trend setters for their peers, but last night they proved that they mastered their academic discipline. 

When Becca asked me to "hood" in the December graduation ceremony a few weeks ago, I was so excited to add this important event to my calendar! I told her that I would not miss it for the world!

I've known Becca for the past six (almost seven) years! She was one of the first undergraduate students involved with the Texas Social Media Research Institute (@TSMRI) and we have been proud of her since that point. We also keep up with all of our graduates and their career progression!

I met Winston six years ago and he is the funniest person that I know. He always has a smile on his face and he impacts all individuals around him! He actually attended my secret baby shower planned by the first class of @TSMRI interns. I've always admired him for attending and supporting my journey as a parent. 

Traivohn, Torri, and Lizzie
We also had three undergraduate students accomplish the first part of their academic journey as well. These students have been some of the most creative and most motivational students I've ever encountered. I immediately think of these students when I think about the student learning outcomes from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). These students served as trendsetters for their peers and I was excited to see them cross the stage!

I also told them that they had to keep in contact with me through our Friday check-in meetings on Twitter group messages. I have a recurring meeting in my schedule to remind me to initiate the communication if I do not hear from them.

This experience marks the end of their bachelor's level or master's level graduate journey, but it does not represent the end of their academic journey! I look forward to hearing about their next accomplishments!


J. Edwards

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting the Millennial Professor Blog!

Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards

Follow Me on Twitter/Instagram - @drjtedwards
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Student Affairs & Academic Affairs Partnerships - Why Did You Become a Practitioner?

Before becoming an assistant professor, I was a student affairs practitioner. This transformational process started two years ago in at a mid-sized institution in the south. Today, I am still involved in the professional student affairs organization in my beloved state organization to remain information about the issues that students encounter through their journey in college.

Journeys...I strongly believe that everyone takes a journey towards the pursuit of happiness when they enter the higher education environment. Students enter colleges and universities because they would like to embark on a journey towards a degree. Student affairs practitioners enter the profession because they are looking for a way to pay off their student loans and to make a difference in the lives of students.



Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards

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